Aluminum Housing Motor

  • ML Series Aluminum Single Phase Dual Capacitor Motor
    $  0.00 $  48.5

    IntroductionConform to the IEC standard.  Be made of selected quality materials, lastest design in entirety. Good performance, low noise, little vibration, and safety and reliable operation. Nice appearance, lightweight. Be maintained very conveniently, simple construction. Good general performance, 1.8 to 2.5 times more than the rated torque.Working ConditionAmbient temperature : -15℃≤~≤40℃Altitude: not exceed 1000mRated voltage: ±5%Technical dataModelPower(KW)(V)(A)Speed(r/min)Eff.(%)P.F.Tstart/TnTmax/TnIst/In (A)ML711-20.372202.732800670.922.31.816ML712-20.552203.882800700.922.51.

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